"The IFH is a symbolic place of skills sharing allowing each and every one to improve on their work’s fundamentals and gain in performance."

The Companions
of the Order of Talmeliers*


In keeping with its aim of preserving the best of French baking, both in terms of values and skills, HOLDER Group decided to create an internal mentoring scheme a few years ago.

The mentors are selected competitively and act as ambassadors of excellence within the Group. As protectors of the respect of methods, the transmission of knowledge and the preservation of values, they have a particular role in the brands' key projects.


*The word now used in French for 'baker' only appeared in the late 12th century.
Before then, artisans of bread were known as Talmeliers.


The performance activator
at the service of co-workers

IFH is the HOLDER Group's training institute.

As the provider of all training for workers from PAUL bakeries (both Group employees and those of franchises) and for teams in each of the Group's brands, guiding them in their quest for excellence, IFH really is seen as a landmark in its field.


The 3 key roles of the IFH :

  • Develop each individual's skills by giving employees access to a broad range of training courses and by training staff in the PAUL network for its products, needs, approaches, tools, procedures, and demand for authenticity and product quality.
  • Reveal co-workers' talents by supporting them as they work to obtain a Baker’s Vocational Diploma (CAP Boulangerie) or a CQP (Professional Qualification Certificate) to give formal recognition for the experience they have gained.
  • Add value to expertise by organizing the internal Talmeliers competition and running a network of mentors to share their professional knowledge and expertise with the PAUL shops.


Key data
IFH in a few figures
(since 2011)



training schemes given

2 600

days of training

18 196

hours of training


1 514

people trained